Botanical description
- Shan Tong is a new species, obtained by artificially crossing Paulownia Tomentosa and Paulownia Fortunei
- Strong resistance to drought and cold (to -27°С) and diseases
- Rapid growth, strong ability to restore
- Large conservation of the land area due to the narrow crown
- Flowers with an easy flavour, light-lavender color
- Blooms in spring for 6-8 weeks.
- Wood is suitable for biomass/biofuel, construction material, heating and furniture
Description and cultivation tips:
- Height of adult plant: 20 meters in 8 years
- Leaves can get 40 cm wide and can be used to feed animals.
- Temperature range: from - 27 to 48 degrees - in winter throws down leaves.
- Can be grown in colder regions, and also in warmer regions.
- Soil: Paulownia grows on any soil, drained soils, from poorly sour to strongly alkaline.
- Level of pH : from 5.5 to 8.5 (6.5 is an optimal level of pH).
- Narrow and medium type of crown, which will save more than 40% of the land, which will allow us to use the landing frames 4x4m and 4x3m.
- The trunk diameter can reach 4–10 cm in the first year after a technical cut.
- Fertilizer: highly nitric fertilizers
- Water: It is necessary to water the plants the first two years regularly. The soil should always be moist.